Monday, September 29, 2008

Iguana Fun!

Ok so our neighbor came over a couple of months ago and brought a turtle that she had found on the side of the road. So she said that Micheal could have it. So we went to the pet store and got an aquarium or it and some food. Well anyways the poor little turtle wasn't eating and I started feeling bad thinking that he has been wild hi whole life then we catch him and put him in a little cage. SO I talked to Micheal and asked him if we could let him go and I would take him to go pick out a new pet. So he said ok and we went in the woods behind our house and let him go. Well then we went to the pet store and Micheal found an iguana which he has been wanting one so I said ok. We brought the iguana home and I started reading about them cause I had no idea on how to take care of one of those. Well let me just say they are a lot of work and responsibility. They aren't just some animal that you can just feed and clean the cage once a week. We have to get him out every day a couple of times a day and play with him so he is not mean when he gets to be 6' long. But Micheal really likes him and so does the rest of us.

Micheal and Jake

Jake running on the back of the couch.

Jake taking a bath!


Carly said...

You are crazy! It is cute and everything but I wouldn't want that in my house! I am a whimp though and your not.

Wanna be farm girl said...

Good luck with that!!!! 6 feet, holy whip.....and I thought 5 african frogs were a pain in the butt!

We found your blog through your post on Shem's blog. So cool, I can't believe that these babies are now going to school....crazy good!!!

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ReNee and kids!